Small businesses often don’t have the extensive IT budget that would be required to hire & maintain a large IT staff. Day-to-day operations may be handled via temporary help or interns, but hiring a senior level resource to “guide the IT ship” is often sacrificed in the name of budgetary concerns.
Unfortunately, that also means the IT future of your business is at risk. But that’s no longer the only option…
Today, you can get access to executive level senior management that will act on your behalf in dealing with your IT strategy & vendors. A CTO Lease Agreement with NETMG will give you access to professionals who hold partner positions within NETMG. These senior members of the NETMG staff will bring decades of experience to the table, insuring that – within the confines of your budget – your needs are being met.
These agreements can range from 1 day every other month up-to what your environment demands. Contact us for a review of your requirements, and a discussion of how CTO Leasing might be the right choice for you.